Saturday 15 December 2012

Friday 16 November 2012

Be truthful . . . Live beautiful :)

Easy to lose someone by saying a
But ,
Difficult to get back that person by
saying thousand truths . . .
Be truthful . . . Live beautiful :)

Sum Facts about Guys:

Sum Facts about Guys:

When a guy calls you,he wants to be with you....

When a guy is quiet,he's listening to you...
When a guy is not arguing,he realizes he's wrong.

When a guy says, "I'm fine," actually he's not, he
needs u.

When a guy stares at you,he wishes you would
care about him and wonders if you do.

When a guy calls/texts/ comments you everyday,
he is in love with you.

When a guy tells you he loves you, he really means

When a guy says he can't live without you, he's
with you until you're done.

When a guy says, "I miss you,"he misses you more
than you could have ever missed him or anything

When a guy Crys 4 u, It means he Loves u like a

Finally, When a guy says, "Dont Leave me" it
means U mean alot to him....

~So understand ur man, give him love & dont
ever let him go~

Heart Touching Msg :-

Heart Touching Msg :-
'To Die In Luv For Someone IsNot The Big Thing
To Live With That Pain With Smile Forever
Is The Great Real Achievement.... ♥

Luv ♥♥

"I love all the stars shining in the sky, But they are
nothing Compared to the ones in your eyes"... ♥ ♥

Cute feeling..;

Cute feeling..;
My hands never pain while typing message for you..;

But my hearts always feel pain when there is no reply 4rm u..... ♥

Friday 9 November 2012


A real woman

There Are Always Four People

There Are Always Four People
Involved In A Relationship...
♥♥ The Boy
♥♥ The Girl
♥♥ The Ex- Who Keeps On Disturbing
♥♥ Someone Who Silently

Waits For The Break-Up..... :)

The only 3 things

The only 3 things a guy should wanna change about 
his girl is her last name, her address and
 her point of view on men.

A true feeling...

A true feeling...
"A person who lived
with your words, can't live with Ur
silence if they truely loveu...:):)
So dont make them die..:-)

Friday 2 November 2012

Love Is Priceless ♥

A REAL Woman Is Not Impressed By Money
Because She Knows Her Love Is Priceless ♥

Sunday 28 October 2012


Being Single Is Fun...
But Being Committed In Love
Feels Awesome... ♥
- When You Wake Up You
Find"Good Morning "In Your Inbox...
Or Early In The Morning You
ListenTo That Sweet Voice
"Ooh, My sweet baby is awaking...!" ♥
- When You're All Alone, Sick
Or Lost..
You Need Just That Person
With You..
To Hold You In There Arms... ♥ - Those Small-Small Fights, &
Saying "I'm Not Gonna Talk To
But Still...
You Check Your Mobile To See
The Missed Calls & Msgs From Them... ♥
-Waking Up Suddenly At
Calling Them Talking Till 4
am.... . ♥
- Those Sweet Memories.. After A Fight Saying:
"Sorry Sweetheart..."
& Then Fighting Over Whose
Mistake It Was... ♥
- When We Call Them&If It
Says, "Is Busy With Another Call, Plz
Stay On Line Or Call Later.. .!"
We Find It Frustrating.... . ♥ - Seeing His/Her
Face&Becoming Happy..
Without Reasons.. . ♥
- Reading Their Cute Text &
Smiling Idiotically...
Caught By Friends & Family.... ♥
- Imagining Future Lives With
Waking Up & Sleep While
Cuddling Them...
Nowadays We Often Here People Say Love Hurts...
Love Is Fake Its Unreal....
But Its Not Love...
It May Be The Wrong Person...
Or The Wrong Timings Which
May Cause A Heart Break... But Tell Me Honestly..."
Isn't Being In Love The Most
Beautiful Feeling U Can Ever
Have ♥♥

I know your life can go without me,

I know your life can go without me, 
That you can survive without me, 
That you can be happy without me, 
But even if u turn me away, I will still chose to stay with you,
 Be your Sweetest Stranger Forever.."

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Lovely ♥

I am not a writer, But I
have written our love story. ♥
I am not a poet,
But I wrote for you a poem. ♥
I am not a singer,

But I sing a love song for you. ♥

. I am not a dancer,

But I dance with you in the rain. ♥


I am not a painter,

But I have painted the rainbow for a you. ♥


I am not perfect,

but u r the best for me...♥

A boy and a girl can be just friends…

A boy and a girl can be just friends…
But at one point or another,
One of them will fall for the other…
May be temporarily,
May be at a wrong time, May be too late.
Or may be just …Forever ♥ ♥ ♥

The only reason behind broken RELATIONSHIP

The only reason behind broken RELATIONSHIP is
Either they think that you have changed, OR their
thinking about you is changed...!

Saturday 20 October 2012

I am crazy

Very true

Nothing Feels better than

Nothing Feels better than
A surprise text from the person you

I aM scAreD oF lOoKinG aT yOu

I aM scAreD oF lOoKinG aT yOu bCoZ thE moRe 
I dO, the mOre I falL iN LoVe wItH yOu...^_^ ♥

Sometimes we just don’t appreciate

Sometimes we just don’t appreciate those people who really
care for us until they leave us,until we lose them, then we regret.
Outer beauty doesn’t matter; it’s the inside that counts. It's better to tell someone how much you love them rather than to not tell them and lose them without telling them. You'll regret it.

Monday 8 October 2012

Tuesday 25 September 2012

♥ Hey idiot listen..!!!

♥ Hey idiot listen..!!!
I love you
i wanna be with you,
no why's,

no how's...

.I love you!!!!


it.. ♥

I Don’t CARE Abouт The WORLD

I Don’t CARE Abouт The WORLD
Aѕ Long Aѕ You Make Mє Feel That U Are Mу World
Not They Are!

Beautiful lines by a true lover:

Beautiful lines by a true lover:
Without her permission, I will touch her only
 to wipe her tears… ♥

Thursday 13 September 2012

10 things a girl probably doesn't know about a guy :

10 things a girl probably doesn't know
about a guy :

1. Guys are more emotional then they
think, if they loved them truly.
2. Guys may be flirting around all day
but before they go to sleep, they
always think about the girl they truly
care about.

3. Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.

4. A guy who likes you wants to be the
only guy you talk to.

5. Guys are more emotional than
they'd like people to think.

6. Girls are guys' weaknesses.

7. If a guy tells you about his problems,
he just needs someone to listen to
him. You don't need to give advice.

8. When a guy asks you to leave him
alone, he's just actually saying, "Please
come and listen to me."

9. No guy can handle all his problems
on his own. He's just too stubborn to
admit it.

10. When a guy sacrifices his sleep and
health just to be with you, he really
likes you and wants to be with you as
much as possible ♥



1. When giving her a dozen roses,

 11 real and 1 fake, say I will love you until the last rose dies

2. Last night I looked up into the stars and matched 

each one with a reason why I love you. I w
as doing great untill I ran out of stars

3. I sent an angel to look over you at night.
 The angel came back a minute later and
 I asked it why. It told me Angels don't watch other angels.

4. If you held up 11 roses into a mirror, you'd be l
ooking at 12 of the most beautiful things in the world

5. They say a picture tells 1,000 words but when 
I see yours all I see is 3:

6. If I had to choose between breathing and loving you,
 I would use my last breath to say, I love you.

7. You are my bestfriend, my shoulder to lean on, 
the one person I know I can count on, you're the love of my life, 
you're my one and only, you're my everything

8. I love you

9. Life without you is like a broken pencil, pointless
10. I'll love you till death, and then some

11. I miss you when I'm not with you....when I'm not with you all
 I do is think about you...when I think about you I just want to be with you....
and when I'm with you it's like all of my dreams have come true
12. I could hold you forever.

13. I could conquer the world with just one hand as long as you were holding the other.

14. God was showing off when He created you.

15. A while ago I wished upon a shooting star that one day
 I would maybe find love.
 Holding you here in my arms makes me realize 
that wishes do come true

16. You deserve the world, and I know I can't give that to you
. So I'll give you the next best world.

17. My heart beats your name

18. look into my eyes and you'll find me. look into my heart and you'll find you

19. How did a guy like me end up with a princess like you?

20. Life with out you, it isn life at all.I love you babe, and everytime
 I see you I just want to hold you in my arms and never
 let go because you're the girl that fills all the little dark places in my heart.

21. I believe in God because having you is a miracle

22. I never knew what love was until I met you

23. Did it hurt, when God removed your wings and sent you down to earth?

24. If I died and went to heaven and God asked me what I'd like to come back as I'd say a tear; So I can be born in your eyes, roll down your cheek and die on your lips.

25. You make catipillers turn into butterflies and then they fly around my tummy

26. I put a tear in the ocean when you find it I'll stop loving you

27. I was thinking about you...

28. Baby, to me you're no one ...... because no one is perfect

29. When I'm near you I'm a better Me and when you're away I'm only half the man I want to be.

30. I say I love you so much because I never know if one day one of us will end up in the hospital and I want your last feeling to be me loving you

31. I need you (Name). Like the roses need the rain. Like the poet needs the pain. I just can't live without you. My body and soul are yours.

32. You are worth waking up for

33. I fall in love with you again everytime I look into your beautiful eyes

34. I just want to be with you till the world ends cause you're so beautiful

35. I want to make you feel special, always.

36. I miss you because when you realize you want to
spend the rest of your life with somebody,
you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.

37. Before I met you I never knew what it was like to smile for no reason

38. You are so amazingly... wonderfully... beautifully...
awesomely... maybe... no most definitely the
most precious of all precious things
39. Thousands of stars are in the sky but you are the one in front of my eye

40. I love you because of no reason at all because if I have a reason to love you,
I'm afraid I'll have a reason to leave you.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Monday 10 September 2012

Like' if you agree :P

"love" will also be the first person

"The first person who teach u the meaning of the word 
"love" will also be the first person 
who teach u the meaning of the word "pain". :(


1- If it’s because of her eyes or her lips or her great body.
-It’s not love, it’s a LUST
2-If it’s because of her intelligence or insight about life.
-it’s not love, it’s an admiration
3-If it’s because she cries every time u
try to leave.

-it’s not love, it’s PITY.

4-If it’s because she makes u forget 2 study and sleep.

-it’s not love, it’s infatuation.

5-Love – is when you don’t know why you seem to be attracted to

dat person..

(Love has its reason, and that reason is unknown!

People never change

People never change
they just start to show their true colors... :(

A sister is someone

A sister is someone who is there and
 understands who you are.
 She will be there with you no matter 
what situation you have been through 
and going to hit in the future... ♥♥♥