Sunday 28 October 2012


Being Single Is Fun...
But Being Committed In Love
Feels Awesome... ♥
- When You Wake Up You
Find"Good Morning "In Your Inbox...
Or Early In The Morning You
ListenTo That Sweet Voice
"Ooh, My sweet baby is awaking...!" ♥
- When You're All Alone, Sick
Or Lost..
You Need Just That Person
With You..
To Hold You In There Arms... ♥ - Those Small-Small Fights, &
Saying "I'm Not Gonna Talk To
But Still...
You Check Your Mobile To See
The Missed Calls & Msgs From Them... ♥
-Waking Up Suddenly At
Calling Them Talking Till 4
am.... . ♥
- Those Sweet Memories.. After A Fight Saying:
"Sorry Sweetheart..."
& Then Fighting Over Whose
Mistake It Was... ♥
- When We Call Them&If It
Says, "Is Busy With Another Call, Plz
Stay On Line Or Call Later.. .!"
We Find It Frustrating.... . ♥ - Seeing His/Her
Face&Becoming Happy..
Without Reasons.. . ♥
- Reading Their Cute Text &
Smiling Idiotically...
Caught By Friends & Family.... ♥
- Imagining Future Lives With
Waking Up & Sleep While
Cuddling Them...
Nowadays We Often Here People Say Love Hurts...
Love Is Fake Its Unreal....
But Its Not Love...
It May Be The Wrong Person...
Or The Wrong Timings Which
May Cause A Heart Break... But Tell Me Honestly..."
Isn't Being In Love The Most
Beautiful Feeling U Can Ever
Have ♥♥

I know your life can go without me,

I know your life can go without me, 
That you can survive without me, 
That you can be happy without me, 
But even if u turn me away, I will still chose to stay with you,
 Be your Sweetest Stranger Forever.."

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Lovely ♥

I am not a writer, But I
have written our love story. ♥
I am not a poet,
But I wrote for you a poem. ♥
I am not a singer,

But I sing a love song for you. ♥

. I am not a dancer,

But I dance with you in the rain. ♥


I am not a painter,

But I have painted the rainbow for a you. ♥


I am not perfect,

but u r the best for me...♥

A boy and a girl can be just friends…

A boy and a girl can be just friends…
But at one point or another,
One of them will fall for the other…
May be temporarily,
May be at a wrong time, May be too late.
Or may be just …Forever ♥ ♥ ♥

The only reason behind broken RELATIONSHIP

The only reason behind broken RELATIONSHIP is
Either they think that you have changed, OR their
thinking about you is changed...!

Saturday 20 October 2012

I am crazy

Very true

Nothing Feels better than

Nothing Feels better than
A surprise text from the person you

I aM scAreD oF lOoKinG aT yOu

I aM scAreD oF lOoKinG aT yOu bCoZ thE moRe 
I dO, the mOre I falL iN LoVe wItH yOu...^_^ ♥

Sometimes we just don’t appreciate

Sometimes we just don’t appreciate those people who really
care for us until they leave us,until we lose them, then we regret.
Outer beauty doesn’t matter; it’s the inside that counts. It's better to tell someone how much you love them rather than to not tell them and lose them without telling them. You'll regret it.

Monday 8 October 2012