Monday 2 February 2015

12 Reasons Why The Father-Daughter Bond Is Unbreakable

Every father-daughter out there share an enviable bond, that no one can match up to. They are practically inseparable, and their love only grows stronger with time. It is said that, “Fathers can’t express their feelings out loud.” This belief is proved wrong by every daughter out there. Their inside jokes and understanding for each other makes them absolutely adorable.
Here are some reasons that prove that father-daughter bond is unbreakable:

1. A father teaches his daughter that it is not necessary to choose between being strong and delicate

She can be both at the same time.

2. He is the first man she looks up to and he totally brings out the best in her

He lets her deal with her mess so that she learns her lessons wisely and come out strong

3. Fathers share their stories and secrets with their daughters

That’s how the daughter gathers guts to share her secrets. This also gives her the confidence that he will understand.

4. Dads make their daughters take risks to build self-confidence

Other times when fathers are scared, their daughters make them believe that taking risk is good; all they need is their support and faith.

5. He gives her the confidence to do things on her own and become independent

He pushes her to learn to ride a bicycle and drive the car.

6. She makes him express his feelings loud and clear

I don’t know how to express”, can’t be a valid reason. Everyone feels and so they should learn to express.

7. When it comes to careers, a father is the first person every daughter goes to for proper guidance and advice

They never stop their daughters from aiming high, but also give them a taste of reality by sharing their experiences.

8. Sports, extracurricular activities, hobby classes — they encourage their daughters for anything and everything

They know this will only make their daughters grow as an individual.

9. No one can understand their inside jokes and secrets, but that’s just their thing

The day just seems incomplete if they don’t talk to each other and share what happened throughout the day.

10. Every father sees his mother and sister in his daughter, and this makes him love and respect his daughter more

Daughters love taking care of their fathers and giving them all the happiness is at the top of their priority list.

11. Fathers have a cool way to expose the outer world to their daughters: Family vacations and adventure camps

This is their way of letting their daughters know how big the world is.

12. Daughters observe their fathers strength to take up responsibilities and their soft side that cares about the family

This observation unconsciously makes the daughter not only loving and caring, but also strong and independent.

The understanding between a father and his daughter is unbeatable. They are inseparable and feel quite restless when they aren’t around each other. A daughter brings out the best father in a man while that best father is busy raising a wonderful girl. Cheers to all the father-daughter duos. :)