Wednesday 30 May 2012

I hide my tears in my smile

Just because my eyes do not show

doesn’t mean my heart doesn’t cry n i don’t get hurt.
Just because I come out strong,
doesn’t mean there is nothing wrong.
Often I choose to pretend that i’m
So I don’t have to explain myself to
who’ll never understand.
Smiling has always been easier than
explaining y i’m sad…!! ♥

you are special

The special feeling in love that when your Partner gives u specail name
 and He/she calling u with that special unique name.....i
ts fantastic feeling ♥

Monday 28 May 2012

dont miss him

In life there are very rare chances that you'll meet the person you love and loves you in return, 
so once you have found it don't ever let it go! 
Tha chance might never come your way again .. !! 

Dedicated to all girls

A gal's thought..♥ (Dedicated to

Marriage is an important phase of live for
everyone but for a gal its the most amazing
decision of her life...♥ ... A gal dreams N
wishes for his life partner.....♥ I wnt a
hubby who wud hold my hand in lines at the
mall...or while crossing that i feel
protected ♥ I wnt someone who wud sing to
me at random moments :)♥ Someone who
wud respect my maturity N love my
innocence too.♥ Someone who wud bet
with me on kisses..N let me win :)♥
Someone who wud let me fulfill my
responsibilities towards my mum dad N wud
love my family like his own ♥ I wnt a guy
who will accept me with love N make me feel
a part of his family♥ Someone who i cud
share my fears, my laughs, my smile N my
tears. ♥ Someone who wud not get angry
over my mistakes instead scold me like my
mother N then help me to learn doing that
thing again.♥ But mostly, someone who
wud be loyal to me N will always be the
reason for my smile ♥ And i promise to
such a guy...i wud always prove his trust
right....i wud be his family....N i wud love N
respect his parents like my own mom

Friday 25 May 2012

The luckiest lover in the world one who loves a girl deeply and madly 
but couldn't propose but gets the same girl as his 
wife in arranged marriage

Monday 21 May 2012

Sunday 20 May 2012

  1. "When u r happy, You'll search the person u love the most..." ♥
  2. But
  3. "When u r sad You'll search the person who loves u the most..." ♥ ♥ ♥

A heart touching scene

Saturday 19 May 2012

The offical face book page of Tears are the words to express love

follow this link to go to the official page of tears are the words to express love

            • Every one will not get every thing....!
            • This is the rule of Life.....!
            • Sooo...!
            • Dont try to get...!
            • Which is not urs...!
            • ...But..!
            • Dont Dare to loose which is Urs....!
Its Difficult to forget Someone ...
who was Yours & Changed your life ♥ ...
But !!!
Its even More Difficult to forget Someone ...
Who was Never Yours But had Changed your life ♥

Every girl wishes for the guy who fights with whole world just to be with her ♥ ..
Every Boy wishes for such girl
who holds his hand just to make him sure that she's always there for him and will never leave him whatever would be the condition♥

Tears are the words to express love


I broke up with him today.
I told him I wasn’t happy.
He didn’t even ask why.
... I thought he would ask me to stay.
But he didn’t. He just let me go.
And just like that,
I lost the guy I waited for so long. :'(


She broke up with me today.
She said she wasn’t happy.
I was too hurt to ask why.
I wanted to stop her from leaving.
But if she’s not happy with me, there’s no way I can make her stay.
So I just let her go.
Just like that,
I lost the girl I’ve been dreaming of for so long.. :(

Thats the problem of ego..
Its always come in the middle of love...
and separate two lovers always like this way....
Have you ever showed ego to your loved ones?

Thumbs up if u hate this ego in love...